Granduer and Hospitality inspired by centuries past...
Since 1951, the Keller Family, owners and operators of the Madison Hotel, have dedicated themselves to providing discriminating guests a level of hospitality reminiscent of a more gracious and genteel era.
All amidst surroundings which mirror the warmth and graciousness of a private residence with a friendly staff anxious to make your stay truly memorable.
Centrally located, The Madison Hotel is the ultimate destination for memorable social functions as well as Corporate meetings. Our wide range of meeting rooms includes a magnificent 4,000 square foot Grand Ballroom and a dazzling English Conservatory, a magial setting for a most elegant affair.
Whether planning a wediing, private party, bar or bat mitzvah or a business meeting, The Madison Hotel provides facilities for up to 500 guests. Our Off-Premise Services are also available for events of any type or size.